For more employment, environmental protection and security of supply. An important contribution to a better future for all countries and their citizens.
Klaus Meier, Germany

For a human world with a fair distribution of urgently
needed drugs.
Dr. Uli Lösch, Switzerland

The center of the health system is the patient who uses the health system and health care. Health is becoming an increasingly critical element in foreign policy, and the role of health diplomacy is key.
Healthcare workers and patients have the same goal: to have good quality healthcare which enables a partnership between all health workers and patients in the healthcare system. Health policy must protect healthcare professionals, so they can protect patients.
Maja Kuzmanovic, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Knowledge Into Action
Empowering Pharmacists to save patients and promote health
Sherif Kamal, Egypt

Amazwe wonke kumele azibandakanye ekwandiseni amathuba emesebenzi, Kanye nokuvikeleka kwezemvelo.
Precious Ncayiyana, South Africa

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can make a big change to our professional and our patients quality of life.
Kamonsak Reungjarearnrung, Thailand

For our Future, Peace, and Kids, Take care of our Earth.
The vital contribution to support their citizens for all countries.
Trai Tharnpanich, Thailand

All of us together can improve our future,
the safety of all citizens is a priority.
Fabrizio Festinese, Italy

Equal access to cancer treatment is vital.
Carien van der Merwe, South Africa

Emphasizing „care“ in health care: care for the people we serve, care for ourselves as healthcare professionals, and care for the environment and the natural world to optimize global health outcomes.
Kim Stefaniuk, Canada

Our environment poses challenges and also opportunities to resolve, for example cancer. Do we care for our environment we live in? Wide spread raises in cancer, diabetes and other chronic conditions are alarming us, let’s correct ourselves.
Dr. Anantha Naik Nagappa, India

More than ever people need access to treatment with opioids and prevention programs in place! Protecting our communities means ensuring safe access for all citizens to opioids for moderate to severe pain while preventing misuse.
Let’s advocate for comprehensive safety measures to safeguard citizens’ well-being and prevent opioid-related harm.
Stavroula Theophanous-Kitiri, Cyprus

The safety of citizens must be our daily prescription.
Dr. Gaoussou Méité, Ivory Coast

Démystifier le cancer par l’amélioration de la qualité des soins et des pratiques normalisées permettent de créer un monde plus juste et solidaire.
Rithon Mwampeti Singa, Democratic Republic of the Congo

All people should have access to medicines to treat their ailments.
These medicines, apart from being accessible, should be safe and of quality.
Medicines should not have a financial surcharge for living in remote areas.
Sara del Carmen Aguayo Ulloa, Chile

As a EUPATI Fellow trained to advocate and empower individuals who plan to participate in the research and development of clinical trials. My main emphasis is on fully informed consent and realistic knowledge of potential serious adverse events and side effects from pharmaceutical products.
Margaret Graham McDonald, Scotland

For an unconditional access to all the right medicines and for a safe local production in order to involve more local citizens in the process.
Hanine Elias, Lebanon

Every citizen has the right to safe, effective, affordable and environmentally sustainable medicines.
Pharm PhD Adela Maghear, Belgium

„Never be so busy as not to think of others“ – Mother Teresa
Humanity is not a burden, it’s our privilege. We have the opportunity to shape our future through our actions. Together we can reach the goal and ensure equal access and supply with medication for all patients. What’s more, actions that govern an environmental conservation will provide a better quality of life for all people.
Milena Nikolovska, Republic of North Macedonia

Christophe Bardin, France

Roman Gonec, Czech Republic

Robert Terkola, Austria

Mirjam Crul, Netherlands

Michael Douphars, France

Marko Skelin, Croatia

Rodrigo Gama Brambila, Mexico

Yohannes Alemayehu, Ethiopia

Victoria Zapotochna, Ukraine

Antonina Kokisheva, Russia

Nilgün Kizilmese, Belgium

Dr. Zsuzsanna Bodor, Hungary